Licence data management specifically targets outdated and expired licences and will follow a two-phase process.

Automatic purging of licences commenced on 16/10/2023

Phase 1 - Purge 

Licences will be purged 30 days after their expiration date.


The images uploaded to the licence, which likely contain confidential information, e.g., address and date of birth, will be automatically removed. 


A purged licence: 

  • Will continue to appear on your dashboard
  • Can no longer be edited
  • Can still be verified.

Phase 2 - Delete 

12 months after a licence has expired it will be permanently deleted. 


A deleted licence: 

  • Will no longer appear on your dashboard
  • Will remain on verification certificates for auditing purposes


Unchanged licences and licenses without expiry dates


Licences that have not been updated for more than five years, irrespective of expiry date, will be permanently deleted by the system. This includes licences with no expiry date and ensures these licences are not retained indefinitely. 


Therefore, unless actively updated, the maximum lifetime of a licence is five years. 


Your Action

It is recommended you verify all licences that candidates have shared with your organisation to ensure an audit trail for compliance. 

The typical workflow is Request -> Collect -> Verify -> Purge -> Delete.