Once you have signed up for your enterprise integration subscription, please follow the below instructions to set up your integration. 

Step 1: Raise a ticket with the Bullhorn support desk. Ask them to:

  • Enable the Bullhorn Enterprise Integration
  • Enable the Credentials tab


Step 2: Gain System Credentials

Once the integration is activated, Bullhorn will provide:


  • Username
  • Password
  • Client ID
  • Client secret


Step 3: Provide Credentials to WorkPro

Allow 5 business days for the integration to be finalised and tested. Once the integration is complete, WorkPro will contact you.


Step 4: Establish the Connection

Each Bullhorn user must log in to WorkPro using their WorkPro username and password and complete the following steps:


  • Select “Marketplace” from the hamburger menu in the top right-hand corner
  • Select “Bullhorn”, choose your Bullhorn data centre, and “Connect”.


A Bullhorn login page will automatically populate in a new tab. To establish the single sign on, log in with your Bullhorn username and password. This is a one-time action. The WorkPro tab should now be visible at the top of the candidate page: