If you receive an automated email from WorkPro stating your module/s are expiring, or expired, it is a notification only. This does not automatically mean that you need to re-do it. It is not possible for you to log in and re-complete a learning module without receiving a request from the employer or recruiter.

The reason we send you a reminder is that it is your online employment profile, and we want you to take responsibility for it.

If you are still working for the employer or recruiter that sent you the original request, please let them know your learning modules have expired and ask them if they need you to complete refresher training.

The company has also received an automated alert of the module expiry. It is their responsibility to send you a new request from the WorkPro platform, which will contain a single use Token to complete the module/s and any other learning.

If your current employer does not use WorkPro, please ignore and/or delete the notification. You can also click the 'opt-out' link.