Reference checks can be grouped into three logical categories:

- Essential

- Personal Attributes

- Role Specific.

Whilst it is important to tailor a reference to suit the organisation or job needs, it is useful to build a common template for all prospective hires. A list of questions might include: 

  • - Verification of the candidate’s employment, job title, pay, and responsibilities 

  • - Why did they leave that job? 

  • - How do you know the candidate? 

  • - What makes the candidate a good fit for this job? 

  • - If you had the opportunity, would you re-hire this job candidate? Why? 

  • - Did the candidate get along with their co-workers and management? 

  • - How did (name) handle conflict? How about pressure? Stress? 

  • - What advice can you give me to successfully manage the job candidate?