If your screen is blank, slow, or freezing whilst trying to complete a learning module, this is likely due to an internet browser issue.

1. Your Web Browser:

There are a few common and recommended internet browsers. 

For the best experience, use GOOGLE CHROME or MICROSOFT EDGE

Microsoft Edge (PREFERRED)

Google Chrome (PREFERRED)

Avoid these browsers if you are experiencing loading issues:

Mozilla Firefox


If you are using Internet Explorer, this browser is NO LONGER supported by Microsoft, so you will need to upgrade to Edge  or Chrome.

Internet Explorer

2. Mobile:


You can also download GOOGLE CHROME as an app on your mobile or android device.

Clearing Browser History

Clear your browsing history that includes WorkPro in case your PC has saved your last session.

You can also press 'ctrl and f5' together on your keyboard. 

If 'ctrl and f5' does not work on your PC, clear browser history by selecting the three vertical buttons on the right of your screen next to the place where you entered the web address as shown below and select 'History' and select 'Clear Browsing Data'

Once you have done this, type in workpro.com.au, select 'Login/Sign Up'and log in again with your existing username and password and click to Continue a Session so that you can resume your tasks.