WorkPro is accredited to ISO 27001 standards. The Risk Management Framework employed by WorkPro aims to identify and manage security risks that could impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of WorkPro’s information assets is an on-going and iterative process. This is achieved through the strategic risk assessment of information assets.

The framework used in completing the initial and ongoing information security risk assessments is aligned with recognised standards including ISO/IEC 27005:2018 and ISO/IEC 31000:2018 Risk Management. This includes risk identification, risk measurement and assessment, risk treatment, risk reporting and monitoring, and risk governance.

The methodology adopted by WorkPro for the risk management process is aligned with recognised standards including ISO/IEC 27005:2011 AND ISO/IEC 31000:2018 Risk Management and ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information Security Management.

Practices include:

  • The WorkPro platform’s automatic destruction of background check certificates and associated identity documents 12 months after completion as per national and global security and privacy frameworks, and WorkPro's accredited agency obligations with Government Departments.
  • Option for candidate to initiate automated deletion of their profile and identity documents within their WorkPro profile, in line with Australian Privacy Principles.
  • A team of Australian-based personnel trained to vet candidate identity and associated documents for all background checks, including identification of fraudulent documents. Documents that do not pass vetting requirements are automatically deleted from the platform and the candidate is automatically contacted to correct any errors.
  • Regular internal audits of background checks for quality assurance, and identifying opportunities for continuous improvement.