For assistance to upload Vaccination Information, you may also find this User Guide helpful.

WorkPro offers an easy and secure method to collect, and for you to share your vaccination information with a company including the Digital Certificate.

We know that vaccination information is sensitive, so we want you to know that we take this responsibility seriously and that any time you upload your record, it is encrypted in transit, and it is also stored separately and encrypted in WorkPro to protect your privacy.

When an organisation needs your vaccination status details and view or store a copy of your Digital Certificate, they will send you a text/email request.

Step 1: Once you receive the request by text/email you will either sign up or login to the platform. If you do not yet have a WorkPro account, you will need to sign up for an account before you can proceed to share your vaccination information.

Step 2: Once logged in, ‘Start a new session’, enter the unique single use Token, and ‘Continue’.


NOTE: You do not need to re-enter the token number once it has been used. Instead click ‘Resume a session’ and ‘Continue’ when you next login to WorkPro to access your tasks (eg if you are required to update your vaccination status but have not been sent a new Token request to do so).

Step 3: Select ‘Documents’, open the ‘Covid-19 Vaccination’ request, and provide information and/or upload the Certificate.

NOTE: if you have already completed the WorkPro ‘Covid-19 Vaccination’ document for another employer or recruiter, refer to “Candidate User Guide to Uploading Licences, Tickets and Documents” for instruction on how to share this with the new requesting organisation.

Step 4: Nominate your vaccination status from the dropdown menu, upload any relevant documents, and select ‘Save’. You will need to log back in to update your WorkPro profile should your vaccination status change:

Should your vaccination status change, simply press the "v" arrow next to your document in the request window and "Edit Document" and update.

- Not Vaccinated: If you are not vaccinated, you have the option to enter a reason and/or upload an exemption form (if applicable) and enter a date for your first dose.

- Exemption: if you have an exemption certificate, you can upload this evidence.

- Partially Vaccinated: If you are partially vaccinated, enter the date of your first dose and a date for the next appointment (if known).

- Fully Vaccinated: if you are fully vaccinated, enter the date of the last dose and upload your Digital Certificate (mandatory). There are two Digital Certificates available to upload as part of your nominated ‘Fully Vaccinated’ status.

- Fully Vaccinated (Booster 1): if you are fully vaccinated with the Booster, enter the date of the last dose (Booster) and upload your Digital Certificate (mandatory). There are two Digital Certificates available to upload as part of your nominated ‘Fully Vaccinated’ status.

- Fully Vaccinated (Booster 2): if you are fully vaccinated with the Booster, enter the date of the last dose (Booster) and upload your Digital Certificate (mandatory). There are two Digital Certificates available to upload as part of your nominated ‘Fully Vaccinated’ status.

1. PDF Version

The PDF version is downloadable from the Services Australia website and includes certain information that is NOT required to be viewed by an organisation. If you need to upload the PDF version, remove the following details before uploading:

2. Mobile Phone Version:

If you have loaded the Certificate on to your mobile phone, it should look like this: THIS IS THE PREFERRED COPY AS IT ONLY SHOWS THE NECESSARY INFORMATION TO CONFIRM THE VACCINATION.

Step 5: Verifying and Destroying the Digital Certificate

Once you have uploaded your status and/or Certificate, the requesting organisation will receive an email alert, inviting them into the platform to view and ‘validate’ the status information and/or Certificate.

If you have uploaded your Digital Certificate, the client will validate its authenticity and be able to ‘delete’ the Certificate which will permanently remove the record from their view, but with the validation record remaining.

Keep in mind that an organisation may be required to keep the record in line with the legal obligations so even if you requested it to be deleted, it may not be able to by law.

Information about ‘Informed Consent’:

The Vaccination Certificate is classified as a sensitive health record under the Privacy Act so each time you are requested to upload information and/or a copy (or share a copy if you already have your Certificate stored in your WorkPro profile), you will be requested to agree to that company viewing the information. A copy of the ‘Collection Notice’ can be viewed here:

Once you have uploaded your status and the Digital Certificate, you can see who you have ‘shared’ your information with using the ‘Shared With’ column at any time by logging in to your WorkPro profile: