To complete a Ministry of Justice Check, please see the User Guide

You can expect to either receive an email and/or text request to complete a NZ Ministry of Justice check OR you will be physically provided a token and be provided a web address to sign-in to complete the application. 


Step 1: Login or Sign Up

If you are sent an email/text request, click on the link in the email OR go to, ‘Login/Sign Up’ and choose the Country/Region (AUS or NZ). 

If you are not yet registered for WorkPro, click ‘CREATE YOUR WORKPRO ACCOUNT’ located at the bottom of the login box.

If you have a WorkPro account, enter your existing Username, ‘Continue’ and enter your WorkPro password or ‘Continue with Google or Microsoft’.

When you have signed up and/or logged in, enter the single use Token and ‘Continue’.

Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated

Select ‘Background Checks’, and either ‘Share Existing’ check or ‘Start’ the NZ Ministry of Justice Check.


If you have an existing check, upload the check according to the instructions on the screen.

Step 2: Complete the Application

If you do not have an existing check, you will either be guided to the NZ Ministry of Justice on-line portal directly OR you will be invited to complete your check within the WorkPro platform.

Either way, if you do not complete the task, the WorkPro service will send you reminders if the task remains outstanding.

If you are directed to the Ministry to complete your check as per below, it is very important that once you complete the check, that you log back in to WorkPro to upload your result, so the requesting company can view and accept the check. We will send you a reminder after 3 days.

The Ministry’s service is not WorkPro, and we cannot provide support to you if you are asked to complete the check directly with the Ministry. You will need to call the Ministry directly should you have any difficulties with completing the steps.

If you are required to complete the application within WorkPro, please follow the instructions outlined below. You can complete the WorkPro process on any device.

Complete each step of the application as directed.


NOTE: If you have an alias, maiden or previous name, add the additional names.

Please note that the identity document that you upload MUST match the names entered on the application form.

Step 3: Upload Identity

You will need to upload a Government issued photo identification as listed below.

Additionally, please upload a selfie holding the upload identification.

You can upload a JPG or TIFF image.




Step 4: Providing Consent & Submitting the Check

Once the Application is completed, you are required to provide your consent electronically by signing the e-signature pad and agreeing to the terms of the check.

Once you have submitted your application, the requesting organisation will be sent an email notification to view and process the application.

If you are sent an email/text request, click on the link in the email OR go to, ‘Login/Sign Up’ and choose the Country/Region (AUS or NZ). 

If you are not yet registered for WorkPro, click ‘CREATE YOUR WORKPRO ACCOUNT’ located at the bottom of the login box.

If you have a WorkPro account, enter your existing Username, ‘Continue’ and enter your WorkPro password or ‘Continue with Google or Microsoft’.