To complete a Working With Children and Vulnerable People Check, please see the User Guide

You will receive an email or text request to complete a WWC/VP Check OR you will be physically provided a Token and be provided a web address to sign-in to complete the task.

Step 1: Login or Sign Up

If you are sent an email/text request, click on the link in the email OR go to, ‘Login/Sign Up’ and choose the Country/Region (AUS or NZ). 

If you are not yet registered for WorkPro, click ‘CREATE YOUR WORKPRO ACCOUNT’ located at the bottom of the login box.

If you have a WorkPro account, enter your existing Username, ‘Continue’ and enter your WorkPro password or ‘Continue with Google or Microsoft’.

When you have signed up and/or logged in, enter the single use Token and ‘Continue’.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Select ‘Background Checks’, and ‘Start’ the task. 



Step 2: Complete the Application

Each Australian State and Territory has its own database to manage working with children and/or vulnerable people checks.

This is important for you to know as the company that requires the check from you will specify the State or Territory the check is required, or whether it is required for volunteer or employment purposes.

If you hold a card in one State, it will not be accepted in another State.

Note that the check application outlines the check and State the check is required.

Within WorkPro, you have 3 Options:

Option 1: Apply for a check.

Option 2: Note that you have an application in progress.

Option 3: Upload an existing check/card.




Option 1: Apply for your check/card


  1. Select ‘Start’. A new web browser will open, displaying the application form for you to complete. Please note that WorkPro is NOT the custodian of the working with children check service and we do not issue the card. We are simply helping you to complete the process easily.
  2. Once your check/card is returned, you will need to log back in to WorkPro (with the same Username and Password you used to sign up) and upload your check/card. (Refer to Option 3)
  3. You can simply close the window and now log out of WorkPro if you have no other tasks to complete.

Note: Once you have ‘started’ the process, the WorkPro platform will send you an email alert in 28 days if you have not logged back in to WorkPro and uploaded the check/card for the requesting company to view and validate.


Option 2: You have an Application in Progress


It is important for the check that you have in progress is the SAME as the check that has been requested of you. If it is, you simply need to log back into the WorkPro system (with the same Username and Password you used to sign up) and upload your check/card. (Refer to Option 3)


You can close the window and log out of WorkPro if you are not required to complete any other tasks.

Option 3: Uploading a current Check or Card



Ensure that the current card that you hold relates exactly to the card required by the requesting organisation.

If it does, select ‘yes’ and commence entering the required information and upload a copy of the check/card.

Once completed, ‘submit’ the check for viewing and validating by the requesting organisation.

Your check information will be stored in your personal and secure digital profile as noted below. The WorkPro platform will send you automatic alerts 90, 60 and 30 days from expiry of the card. If you still require a check/card for the company you are working or volunteering, you will be asked to apply for a new card by that company who will send you a new request from the WorkPro platform.

If you also work for another company, rather than having to apply for a new card, advise them of your WorkPro profile. If that company uses WorkPro, provide the company with your WorkPro ID (highlighted below) and they can view your profile on-line.