If you have successfully logged in with your WorkPro Username and Password, but can't see any tasks that you've been requested to complete, this may be due to you not yet entering the Token. The Token is found in the email/text you received to complete WorkPro. The Token is a series letters and numbers.

Every time you log in to WorkPro the screen shown below will pop up:

1. Whether you have used WorkPro before or you have just registered, if you have received a new request to complete WorkPro tasks, enter the Token that the requesting company sent you (or gave to you verbally) and click 'CONTINUE' to start your session. The system can only present you with the tasks that you need to complete if you have entered the Token. Note that the token is for one-off use only. You will not need to enter it again.

2. If you have logged in to WorkPro previously and you are simply continuing tasks you have already started, or if you are looking for results of already-completed tasks, select 'Continue a Session' and then click 'CONTINUE'. Any outstanding tasks will be displayed, ready for you to complete.