If you submitted your work rights check (VEVO) using WorkPro's integrated function, and the check was 'rejected', there are several reasons for this which are listed below. Please consider these, and make the appropriate change or update, and re-submit your check for instant processing:
1. Have you entered your passport information correctly? Check and ensure all of the details are entered, and match exactly.
2. If you have a single name only, please enter that one name as both your first name and surname.
3. Do you have a new foreign passport and have not left the country on this passport? If this is the case, your new passport is not yet registered on the VEVO database. Please contact the Department of Home Affairs and provide them with your new passport details over the phone. Once the details are entered into VEVO (this should be instant), you will be able to re-submit your work rights check within WorkPro.
4. You will not be able to complete the check outside of Australia, as the passport is registered for work rights only when you are in Australia.